List of non-compliances between different release
Here below are listed the non-compliance existing in upgrading a version to new version. The non-compliance require the manual intervention of the programmer in order to get a correct execution of the upgraded version.



Non-compliance Movicon 11.2



Some changed to Movicon objects:


  • Display windows now have alternating row background colors.

  • Display windows now have the "Show Control Window" enabled for default.

  • Icons instead of text can now be displayed display window buttons.

  • The rounded style property is now disabled for default in objects.

  • The object default format is now "x" and not "x.xx".



Use the "RowsOneColor" registry key to restore data visualization back to previous versions with grids consisting of only one background back.




Instead of rotating the string as a whole, each object's text character would rotate singularly.



Text rotation will be treated with the new methodology for imported projects saved with previous versions.




The "License Requirements" window has been modified and is now easier to read and clearer to understand.



License options not linked to the list are now hidden when opening the License Requirements window.  All hidden license options can still nevertheless be displayed, as in previous versions, by keep the CTRL key pressed down on the License Requirements open command.




Now more variables can be recorded in the same table in the Trace.



When running project deriving from earlier versions, Movicon is unable to store old trace data if not recorded using InMemoryDB (IMDB) engine. In this case an error message will be reported in the output window and the ".dat" file with the compatible historical trace data, will be remained with the ".datbackup" extension.




The TCP PlugIn for transferring projects to remote devices now needs you to enter username and password when the remote device is a Windows 32/64 bit system. Projects will only be transferred if the user specified is recognized by the remote device as an Administrator user.



User authentication was not required in previous versions when using the TCP plugin, therefore it will not be possible to download a project from a PC where a Movicon version prior to 11.2.1084 to a Win32/64 bit PC installed with a 11.2.1084 version or higher. To work round this problem you can updated the TCP PlugIn on the PC with Movicon version prior to 11.2.1084. The updated PlugIn file can be downloaded by clicking on this link:


The "CETransfer.dll" file, the "Lang" folder and the "UpdMgr" folder will be copied to the Movicon installation folder, overwriting the existing ones. At this point, to download the right language for the PlugIn using the "LangManagerPlus.exe" select the new language for the Movicon development ambient and restart Movicon keeping the "CTRL" pressed down.




The possibility to record the "Movicon.Document.11.0" interface in the ROT in unsafe mode can be managed using the project's Execution property "ROT for all clients" option. This will allow you to connect to this interface even when project has been started up as service. In addition to enabling this option, you will need to add some registry keys as described in the property's on-line help.



The ROT function is not totally supported in Windows operating systems based on 64 bit architecture.




The CrypKey service has been updated for managing software licenses to version 7.5.



Warning! The new Crypkey 7.5 version is installed in Movicon starting from version 11.2.1085 for managing software licenses. In this case, if your machine already has a software license generated with the old Crykey service, it may not be recognized and may have to insert a new one.