New features added with release: 11.3.1101
Build: 11.3.1101
Release Date: 21st February 2012



New Feature


Basic Script

Win Wrap Basic Scripting engine updated to the 9.3. version



A problem with the "Format" function used by the WWB.NET has been remedied. This function would be wrongly executed in the COM context instead of VB.NET. It is for this reason, that when now executing a project deriving from previous versions and according to which function being used, an error may generate or the end result will not be the same as before. Therefore it will be necessary to readapt the use of the function's code.



Child Projects

It is now possible to specify a BackUp Server for Child Project to connect to if the main Server should no longer be available for use.




Some new shortcuts have been added for managing screen symbols:


ALT+F5: Shortcut command for distributing objects on screen

Ctrl+Shift++: Shortcut for symbol grouping

Ctrl+Shift+-: Shortcut for ungroup a symbol

Ctrl+Shift+*: Shortcut for regrouping a symbol




It is now possible change languages for all Data Analysis object buttons by inserting ID string in the object's appropriate properties.




The Movicon Setup now adds the "CustomStringID_UNICODE.csv" file in which all the special ID strings with all the columns of the Movicon installation languages and relative translations with default texts have been inserted.




The "Dynamic Property Explorer" had been made resizable. Therefore, it can now be enlarged to make it easier for users to edit script code directly through its window. The set window sizes will be retained for when window is opened again afterwards.




The "Check Missing Strings" command can now also be executed by selecting the name of the project in the Project Explorer Window so that strings will be searched within all the project's resources.




A "Custom" button is now available in the color palette through which colors can be selected using RGB code without having to insert it into the customized colors.




A "Replace texts in all project" command  is now available for searching for texts to replace in all the project resources.




A project general property has been added which displays the project's work folder path with a command to open this path in a Windows Resource Explorer window.




A "Runtime" field has been added to the "Check License Requirements" window, in addition to the "Development" field, to make it clearer which type of license has been installed.




The Variable Cross Reference feature now opens with collapsed nodes and also shows a list of variable not in use in the project.



DOM (Document Object Model)

The GetSubObject function from the DrawCmdTarget interface can now also be used by "Embedded Screen" or "Tab Group" objects to recover objects contained internally.



DOM (Document Object Model)

A new GetSelectedRange function has been added to the GridWndCmdTarget through which it is possible to recover the number of start and end rows and columns for multi-cell selections.



Historical Log Management

Web Client user log-on and Log-offs are now recorded in the Historical Log.




A signal has been added to alert interruptions with the  Movicon historical log ODBC connections. Three system variables have been inserted for the Historical Log, TraceDB and the RealTime I/O Link. The possibility to obtain "Variable Status" for each DataLogger and Recipe has also been included.



OPC Communication

OPC tags/variables now published by Movicon as OPC Server can be set with the following access rights:






This new property is available in the variable property "Options" group.



Real Time DB

The RealTimeDB "Write on Disk every…" property value is now set at "0".  All modified Retentive variables will be written all at the time without delays.



Real Time DB

It is now possible that the structure variable as a whole can reflect the qualities of each of its members. In this case, if just one of the structure variable members has a "not good" quality, the structure variable as a whole will also result with a "not good" quality.



Real Time DB

The following message: "The running project is without enabled InUse Variable manager!" is now displayed in the Output window and Historical Log when a project is launched without its "Variables In-use Management" activated.



Real Time DB

The "Active" column in the variable Trace table now also reports the IP address of Network Client projects responsible for modifying variables.



Recipes Management

A "Read" command is now available for Recipe objects. This command reads values from the field and updates them in the Recipe's temporary variables.



Report Management

String values can now be customized by defining its number of characters in Text Report displays.  This allows Reports to be printed with fixed lengths to avoid disrupting columns.



Report Management

A new resource called "Embedded Reports" has been added through which it is possible to create Report directly within Movicon. These Reports are also supported in Windows CE.



Screen Management

Screens can now be opened in a second monitor (Open Frame) with customizable sizes.



Screen Objects

The Alias value can also be set with a null value in explicit mode. This can be done by using the keyword "(null)".



Screen Objects

The Zoom management for Trend and Data Analysis objects has been revised and modified. The selected Zoom area is now represented with a size-as-pleased rectangle. Once the area has been defined, a click on the rectangle will apply the Zoom.



Screen Objects

A column has been added to the Data Analysis legend to show the date and time of the recording selected by the cursor. Furthermore, a tooltip appears showing the date and time of the position in which cursor has moved or the position on which the mouse button has been kept pressed down in the chart area.



Screen Objects

Pens deriving from diverse DataLoggers can now be added in the Data Analysis.



Screen Objects

The format of the Historical Log window's Duration Column can now be customized.



Screen Objects

The format of the Historical Log window's Date and Time column can now be customized.



Screen Objects

Grid column sizes can now be defined in pixles using the new "Grid Column Width" property.



Screen Objects

Integer floating point values can now be formatted for the Meter, Trend and Data Analysis objects as well.



No conversion management has been setup for projects deriving from previous versions, and therefore these projects may display different integer values.



Screen Objects

Two variables can now be inserted in the Meter Alarm Zone properties to dynamically manage the Alarm Zone's Start and End thresholds.



Screen Objects

The pen curves in Trend and Data Analysis objects can now be set with "step" styles.



Screen Objects

A new "Invert Selection" property has been added to the Combo-Box object so that lists can be opened upwards or downwards as desired.



Screen Objects

Fields have been added in the "Sort by" list for the Variable Name, Variable Group, Variable Description and Variable TimeStamp columns in the TraceDB filter window.



Screen Objects

The Display object default size has been changed from 100x50 to 70x30 pixels when inserted on screen.



Screen Objects

Variable TimeStamp can now be displayed using a Display object.



Screen Objects

A new SelectAllTextOnEdit registry key has been added to allow Display text to be selected with one single click.



Screen Objects

When keeping the "<" and ">"buttons pressed down in the Data Analysis object, the multiplication factor will now decrease or increase by one unit at a time, while the "<<" and ">>" buttons will decrease or increase by ten units at a time when pressed.



Screen Objects

Three new columns have been added to the Alarm Window object to show the alarm's "Total ON number", "Total ACK Number", and "Total RESET number"  statistical values.



Screen Objects

In the installation folder for the symbol libraries (i.e. in Win7: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Progea\Movicon\Symbols\), ".csv" files can now be found containing strings in the Italian and English language that can be imported into the project using the "StringImpExp.exe" tool.



Screen Objects

The IP camera viewer object now supports the "Motion JPEG (MJPEG)" protocol, through which continuous image sequences can be received from the IP camera.




The Movicon SetUp now installs the new Win Wrap Basic Scripting 9.3 version engine. If prior Movicon versions already exist, confirmation to proceed with installing the new Win Wrap engine will be requested.




The Setup now adds the new UTSecureLayer.dll library in the Alarm Dispatcher for managing the sending of emails via SMTP using SSL code.




The Movicon setup now installs the special String ID file in the folder for public documents as well. For example:





It is now possible to specify which port to use in the TCP plug-in project Upload properties by using this syntax: "ServerName:PortNumber".



User Interface

A new Gestuality function has been added for performing operations for changing pages and scrolling lists in display windows by dragging the mouse during runtme mode.



User Interface

The Movicon About window has been updated and simplified.



Users Management

The possibility to specify User level request for system operations to resize or reduce the Movicon window to an icon has been added.




A list of Servers to connect to can now be inserted in the Midlet.