New functions introduced with version: 11.6.1200
Build: 11.6.1200
Release Date: 21 September 2018





Screen Objects

Updated the toolbox of graphic objects with new buttons, selectors, switches and with graphic improvements on circular Gauge objects.


Screen Objects

The "Maximum Number Lines" parameter of the Data Analysis and Trend controls accepted a maximum value of 65,535 lines.

Now this limit has been increased up to the value maximum of 4,270,511,618 lines.


Web Client HTML5

Now it's possible to take advantage of a cross-platform Web Client session based on HTML5 through Browsers that support the Canvas object.

Communication is based on Web Sockets and the computation takes place exclusively on the Server side through a Java Script in the "WebClientPages" folder of the Movicon 11.6 installation.

The default TCP / IP port is the '8080' and the URL to be set on the Browser is, for example, locally, "http: // localhost: 8080".

It is also possible to use the default '80' port of the browser by setting the URL without specifying it ("http: // localhost") but only if other services that keep it busy are not active on the Server.



Web Client HTML5

It is possible to set a Start Screen of the HTML5 Web Client session.



Web Client HTML5

By setting the value "80" in the property of 'Websocket Server - Networking' you can type in the browser only the url of the server without explicit indication of the port.

The problem is to make accessible port 80 that could already be used default from the browser for the request to the web server by other applications.